meet the sweatervest reading board and staff of spring 2010:
philippe bronchtein '10 - general badass. coiner of the terms "brovember," "manuary," and a lot of other super masculine shit. his beard gets bigger and better every year.
emily raymundo '10 - editor and overachiever. enough said.
leslie lim '10 - leslie is sweatervest's token international kid and intimidatingly smart. she also may have commitment issues.
logan brown '11 - like all kids from cowtowns like denver, logan likes cowboy hats. a lot. check out her facebook page if you think we're joking.
alicia wright '11 - alicia looks for a little twang in everything she reads and believes bigfoot exists in her backyard.
mike nardone '11 - mike also doesn't answer his emails! damnit, middlebury! but we do know he's from bangkok, so he's got to be kind of cool, right?
chris hershey-van horn '11.5 - chris and emily are in a dead heat for the longest name ever. he intends to write an autobiography of the first twenty years of his life, which are, undoubtedly, incredibly thrilling and filled with literary adventures. i mean, we hope so, otherwise it will be boring.
jessica stevens '12 - jessica doesn't respond to emails, and may or may not be imaginary.
jarrett dury-agri '12 - jarrett is a self-styled grammarian and scrabble master. he will judge your poem based upon spelling and the placement of its punctuation. he's also the only member of the reading board who actually responds to emails, so A+, jarrett.
claire lewandowski '13 - claire is half suburb and half ghetto, trying to connect with the downtown instead - minneapolis, that is. also, her strategy is to purge her past of angsty teen poetry by being on the reading board of a distinguished college literary magazine.
alexandra kennedy '12 - alexandra appreciates old literature, and is known to recite catullus at poetry slams. her first poem, penned around age six, was called "the sae" [sic]: it discussed a boring family vacation at the seaside. it is yet to be published.